Spin City

IMG_7065IMG_7059IMG_7074IMG_7032IMG_7080Details: (g) Publik dress ∙ (g) Nina sandals ∙ Coach bag ∙ (g) Elizabeth & James sunnies c/o Ditto Eyewear

NYC has been hit with a heat wave that would fry an egg in its shell. So naturally staying cool is a top priority this week. With record temps in the 90’s you strive for something that’s easy to put on, breezy when worn and beautiful to look at (see what I did there – Covergirl puns.)

This lightweight and ultra adorable crochet baby doll dress does everything listed and is one of my favorite styles to take advantage of before Labor Day. And while on the topic of advancing in the retail department, I highly suggest signing up for your Ditto VIP Endless Eyewear membership.

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For only $19 a month you can receive any designer shade to wear and exchange for a new style at anytime. Plus by using my promo code TOBEBRIGHT, you can get one month free! I’m obsessed with these Elizabeth & James aviators and wore them all July on repeat. I can’t wait to try a new style for August! Shop similar below:

[Linked up w/: Friday Fab Favorites, Favorite Fashion Friday, Casual Friday, Passion 4 Fashion, Fashion Friday II, Fashion Friday III, Fun Fashion, Charming Friday, Grace & Love, Oh Hey Friday!, Flashback Friday, Friday Finds, Friday Favorites]