Line Dance

IMG_9682IMG_9695IMG_9756IMG_9691IMG_9729-2Details: (g) Hue leggings – similar  blush high-neck top  Dolce Vita loafers

The combination of stripes and blush has me eager to try new colors with the pattern later this fall. There’s a simplicity behind the look due to the use of neutrals both top and bottom. An easy pair of pointed loafers makes for a look that can go day-to-night – office to after-hour drinks or errands to a casual gathering. Versatility is key and when you find the look that works in that department, you can’t help but get excited about it. Shop similar below:  

[Linked up w/: Friday Fab Favorites, That Friday, Favorite Fashion Friday, Casual Friday, Passion 4 Fashion, Fashion Friday, Take One Pass It On, Fashion Friday II, Fun Fashion, Grace & Love, Five On Friday, Oh Hey Friday, Flashback Friday, Friday Finds, Friday Favorites]