Monthly subscriptions remind us that we can anticipate receiving a present just for the hell of it. The amount of things available to us comes in a mailed cardboard box every four weeks without fail – well until you cancel your subscription. So when the fashion and beauty brands jumped on the bandwagon, I naturally thought I’ve seen (and considered) it all..until I came to my senses, literally.
Rather than sitting, waiting, wishing, hoping (and praying) the items in my monthly subscription box are good matches – we’ve all heard the horror stories of useless items – I get to CHOOSE my designer fragrance each month thanks to the coolest subscription service around – Scentbird. Never again will I have to leave my money in the hands of a stylist that might not “get me & my style preferences.” Sometimes it’s easier being the control freak when it comes to getting your moneys worth.
Clothing is enjoyed and jewelry is worn but ultimately, you either have to buy or return your treasure chest of items – a decision that can feel so difficult from time to time. But then you think about fragrance and the art of consumption – you realize you won’t have to return this splendor or spend more than you want to keep it in your permanent possession. Suddenly, it all comes full circle and you wonder why you didn’t consider spending $14.95/month on a designer item for keeps before!
This month’s scent: Dolce by D&G. I’ve always wanted to try it and this generously sized sample holds the same amount as the Coco Mademoiselle bottle I just ran out of – a year and a half after receiving it. Fragrances last a long amount of time when applied in small doses once or every other day. Dolce smells like a calming mist of white flowers meets the salty ocean – a perfect blend of spring and summer. Now that the temps are rising, this scent couldn’t be a better match.
So here’s a message in a bottle: When it comes to subscription delivery satisfaction, there’s no better stylist than you – Register for a Scentbird account and get your choice of designer fragrance, to keep, once a month for the tiny price of $14.95 with NO RAGRETS – click here if you have no idea what I’m referring to.