Three years ago today (January 22, 2013) changed my life.
As I prematurely write this post at 3am on a Wednesday morning, sleep is the last thing on my excited mind. There’s very little I would press these precious hours for and frankly, I’m astounded how staying up this late to work on my blog is a priority. There has never been a moment where I wanted to give up on it or pursue another path. Nope, this blog has me in for the long road ahead, and I couldn’t be happier.
When To Be Bright came to life three years ago there wasn’t an image of it becoming a business of my own – instead a simple resume builder to help me score that dream internship – and ultimately job – in NYC that showed more about my personality than a piece of paper could. My graphic design projects (fun fact: old major before switching to PR) and features in the student magazine provided most of the content, with a side hobby of posting my outfit pictures to highlight my style and ultimately myself. Blogging became addicting – the thrill of sharing followed by researching ways to build my site as a brand of its own consumed my free time, by choice. Constant tweaking of my site’s layout, photography and content written came with attention I didn’t recognize at first; I was doing it because I genuinely care what goes into To Be Bright, back then and still today.
When my inbox became flooded with positive feedback from readers and soon followed by brands inquiring to work with me in exchange for product and ultimately monetary compensation, I realized there was career path behind what had become my favorite pastime. Today this pastime is now my second full-time job and ultimately will be my full-time job when the time’s right. Blogging was never a thought to be a career of mine three years ago and it’s incredible what a short amount of time, in retrospect, can change – in this case, for the very best.
With three years under my belt now, I’ve become more determined than ever to make 2016 MY YEAR. This will be the year my blog will grow and evolve in all the ways I’m dreaming of, and in all the ways I’m willing to work my ass off for. In order to catch up to my aspirations, I need to consult the most important aspect of my blog’s potential: YOU GUYS, my beloved readers.
This will be the year of CHANGE – new types of posts on a weekly basis, including Interior Design, His & Her’s Style, and the occasional Blog Tips. But what I really want to know is what you guys would like to see on To Be Bright. What kind of posts should I cover? What would you like to see more or less of? Ultimately what will keep you coming back for more?
Your feedback is crucial to everything my blog represents, beyond being the extension of myself. Either through a comment posted publicly below or the contact form below, your suggestions will mean so much to me, especially if there’s something I can do to make To Be Bright a better online place.
[contact-form-7 id=”19396″ title=”To Be Suggestions”]
Once again, thank you SO MUCH for all the support over the last three years. I love you all so much and recognize everything that’s been accomplished and documented here has been a direct result of your continuous visitation. From the bottom of my heart, I couldn’t be more appreciative and blessed to be in the position I’m currently in and owe it all to you babes.

Congratulations, you have done such a great job.