Happy 2025! And a big welcome back for myself & all of you visiting my blog after the biggest hiatus in my ~11 years of sharing my life on the Internet here. Woof that’s a mouthful to type out. I’ve missed you all & I’ve missed showing up here, truthfully.
Navigating this ever-changing career landscape over the years has proven to be so fulfilling yet unbelievably draining; especially the older I’ve gotten and how quickly my priorities outside the blog have shifted. For a while now, it’s been a gradual decline of motivation. It truly broke my heart watching what I’ve built fall farther and farther behind in relevance, while simultaneously mourning the content creator I used to be. The energy to post every day, share XYZ on Stories, spend 3-5 hours editing in a given day – it began to feel like it was too much to keep up with. And on the rare occasions I got a boost of motivation, something would deter the rhythm and derail me completely.
But what I’ve realized is that clearly the way I was used to doing things just wasn’t going to cut it anymore. I’m not the same girl with the same responsibilities as I was in 2014-2019. If I want to see this through another 5 years, something has got to change with the way I do things here that make it worth pursuing. There’s nothing to blame for any of it other than my stubbornness to lean into the change. It’s time to start doing things with my blog in a way that fulfills the woman I’ve been evolving into since 2020.
So I’m here to announce I’ve taken a good look in the mirror, thought about what I want to do here & why I want to continue, as well as how I’m going to do that in this next chapter of To Be Bright. To my beautiful audience: I cannot thank you all enough for still being here. Without you, none of this would even be possible and for that, I’m eternally grateful.
And with that, here’s my first post of 2025 to kickoff many more months of content you can count on for years to come!
IN for 2025
Hydrating skincare over makeup
Less screen time before bed
Scheduling intentional rest days
Taking more “home videos”
Mindful drinking habits
OUT for 2025
Snoozing the alarm more than once
Doubting my capabilities
Taking 3-5 business days to reply to texts
Going to bed late
Putting off personal intentions I set for myself (i.e. skipping morning workout class)
What are your Ins/Outs for this year?