Articles of Society

IMG_4523IMG_4515IMG_4604IMG_4543IMG_4558Details: (g) AOS jeans  Zara sweater – similar  Mango booties

Yesterday I had an epiphany – – I realized I couldn’t remember the last time I slept a full 8-hours, or whatever the recommended sleeping range is for women in their twenties. After waking up late and fighting an entire day of allergies [wtf right?] I finally came to my senses and tuned out the world at 9:30pm. It was AMAZING. However, it’s left me unbelievably delayed and behind in the blogging scene. Good news: I’ve never felt better.

What also feels good is knowing you have a nice pair of jeans to rely on in times of crisis. After waking up late two days in a row, it’s nice to know there are a few pieces of denim that always have your backside. Another wonderful reminder is how easy they pair up with other pieces in your closet, eliminating the stress of getting ready at a moment’s notice and allowing you to make one less decision in the morning. Shop similar below:

WANNA WIN YOUR OWN PAIR OF AOS JEANS!? Follow me on Instagram to find out how – @tobebright


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