Clean Break

IMG_9361IMG_9483-2IMG_9453IMG_9397Details: H&M shirt dress ∙ Birkenstocks

Funny how the posts you least expect to publish end up saving your ass by the week’s end. Since I was away all last weekend, I didn’t have enough time to shoot as many looks as I would’ve hoped. It also doesn’t help being superiorly picky – this was the first look photographed of my original 5 last week and I considered it my warm-up to get all the awkwardness out. Anyone else have that issue or am I just the oddball?

Speaking of being picky, it took me more than a hot minute to find a white shirt dress I actually liked and kept the see-through feature to a minimum. Although this particular one is still somewhat sheer there’s nothing like the comfort of no-see undies or Jockey Skimmies to remain under wraps – especially when there’s a light breeze.. lolz. Shop similar below:

[Linked up w/: That Friday, Favorite Fashion Friday, Casual Friday, Casual Friday II, Passion For Fashion, Fashion Friday, Take One Pass It On, Fashion Friday II]