Happy Earth Day! My guest blogger — and long lost friend it seems — are wearing earth tone neutrals in celebration of our favorite planet. But before I get into detail, let me introduce you all to the voice behind MassMusings, Kayte Demont.
Just like online dating, we met digitally (Lucky Magazine Community) and instantly connected. Our styles, sense of humor and all around personalities are so in-sync its borderline scary how we weren’t friends until now. We have plans to unite in both NYC & her blog’s home base Boston this summer.
Kayte began blogging two years ago, just after graduating college. In the beginning, MassMusings was described as her online “collection of favorite things.” Today, MassMusings is a collaboration of all things fashion, art, music and everything else in the mix. Kayte began putting her heart and soul into her blog about a year ago, and her blog is nothing short of fantastic — I visit it every day!
Kayte’s advice to fellow bloggers, “If I had started over, I may have waited and started MassMusings with more planning; but I’ve learned so much that I would never regret anything I’ve done.”
Find your own and make your blog a reflection of you; that’s where you become successful.
Below, you will find my Earth Day style pics — and I highly suggest you keep reading til you get to the bottom of the post ;]
Anne Taylor jacket – similar | UO top – similar | Zara shorts – similar | F21 booties | floral scarf
Be sure to check out Kayte’s Earth Day-inspired look and find out where she got that awesome jacket!
But wait! Here’s the best part — a giveaway, duh.
In light of this celebratory day of Mother Nature, Kayte and I have an awesome & charitable package one of you lucky readers will be winning next week — a Serengetee Backpack and a Pura Vida Anchor Wrap Bracelet.
Reasons why we chose these two organizations: Serengetee’s “Wear the World” mission empowers causes & communities. Every fabric is teamed up with an amazing cause located in the same area of the globe. This way, you can give back to the communities that inspired your Serengetee choice. Pura Vida’s “Pure Life” mission supports local artisans in Costa Rica by providing them with jobs with every bracelet sold — which is how the Charity Collection was born. The Charity Collection was created to give back to charities all over the world through the sale of individual charity bracelets.
This giveaway is awesome & what better way to celebrate Mother Earth than representing two amazing charitable organizations. Winner will be announced on both MassMusing’s & To Be Bright’s Facebook pages Tuesday, April 29. Good luck!

Studying outside and taking a run on the riverwalk!
I just planted flowers and painted a tiny pot.