Function of @tobebright | Personalized Hair Care

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When it comes to hair care, I’ve only found two shampoo/conditioner combos to work in my favor. Due to my past of coloring the damage left to my strands correlates with dehydration and easy breakage. Plus the growth rate of my hair has dramatically slowed down since coloring in college and I’m desperately trying to lengthen a natural way. Sometimes I felt that the only way to get everything I wanted out of a shampoo/conditioner would be if it were personalized to my hair type and condition.

So when I was introduced to Function of Beauty and given the opportunity to develop a treatment not only designed for my hair now but also work towards my future hair goals, well you can imagine my excitement to give it a try. I’ve never heard of a brand that allows for such customization for in-shower hair coverage that the idea alone sold me on experimenting with my personal blend of hair needs and wants.

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When you go to the Function of Beauty site, you’re given a series of questions to answer regarding your hair type and what you want to get out of your shampoo/conditioner treatment. Answering as honestly as I could, I built my hair profile based on its type (wavy), structure (medium) and scalp moisture (dry).

Next I selected (5) hair goals that I strived for my mane: deep condition + soothe scalp + shine + lengthen + fix split ends.

Finally I got to customize the appearance and fragrance of my shampoo/conditioner treatment. Naming my formula “Function of @tobebright”, I chose the colors you see in each bottle – yellow & blue. To complete the treatment creation, I selected the scent of White Tea Jasmine to fill each blend and diffuse as I use them while showering.

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Once receiving my personalized hair care, I read and applied the treatment as per the written regimen provided to me to ensure the best result over time. Let’s just say my hair has never felt so healthy, hydrated and happy – the last time my scalp and mane felt this great was before I dyed it. Needless to say wanting the personalized treatment is not a far stretch of the imagination when it comes to hair care anymore. I couldn’t be happier with my results and can’t wait to continue using my custom blend of hair therapy 3-4x per week!