Another fun find at the Urban Outfitters’ check-out desk; the hard-to-resist last minute purchases you don’t regret.
My spontaneous purchase was this cute chevron-esque midi ring. With multiple options to choose from, this simplistic, yet substantial midi ring fits perfectly in the mix of bronze & silver I have on my right hand. Best on their own or paired with simple rings as well.
Another fun find at the Urban Outfitters’ check-out desk; the hard-to-resist last minute purchases you don’t regret.
My spontaneous purchase was this cute chevron-esque midi ring. With multiple options to choose from, this simplistic, yet substantial midi ring fits perfectly in the mix of bronze & silver I have on my right hand. Best on their own or paired with simple rings as well.
I haven’t tried a midi ring yet but I have been wanting to! That one is super cute! 🙂
♥ Samantha
thank you! UO has a ton of fun ones, def take a look :]