May Flowers

IMG_5970IMG_5959IMG_5981IMG_5971IMG_5989Details: F21 kimono – similar | Anthropologie pants & necklace – similar | Dolce Vita flats

Despite the pollen, I really enjoy May flowers — especially the ones on the cherry blossom trees. I remember begging my mom for us to get one for our yard (which is very odd because I was eight years old and so “about gardening”..) Did I mention these trees are pink? That’s not even a color I’m drawn to but maybe in the midst of greenery, I’m attracted to the wild ones.

Enough about flowers, I have them all over my kimono already. I really like this style of cardigan because it’s light enough for the weather we’re dealing with right now. Plus, they work with just about every outfit — speaking of, did you see my version of this sweater with a basic dress?

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