[Montana] Mountain Fever | High Sierra

Earlier this month I spent one amazing week in the mountains of Montana with my family – immediate & extended. Talk about a reunion trip of a lifetime – starting with the sheer fact that we spent our days inside Glacier National Park! Not only were we in the direct wilderness, but we also faced the bliss of disconnection for 7 days straight (with the exception of a few WiFi hotspot moments..)

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I didn’t realize how much I would appreciate the time spent with family, away from the chaos of home for the first time in 3 years. Needless to say this time to gather myself and my creative thoughts was more than I could’ve hoped for and experienced at the end of the day.


Our days were spent on the peaceful waters of Lake McDonald, engaging in all outdoor water sports as well as hiking the gorgeous glacier-filled mountains. On our last day my cousins, sister, uncle and aunt went on a 5-hour adventure climbing Mount Siyeh – it took us 2 1/2 hours to get up to the top and 3 hours to get down, walking a straight shot from one side to the other.


My trip couldn’t have been any better and to be honest, it was such a relief to know everything I needed to pack for my trip there and during was available for me – thanks to High Sierra for my trusty backpack & duffle bag luggage.

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High Sierra designs feature-rich, versatile adventure lifestyle gear for adventurers everywhere. Since its founding in 1978, High Sierra has committed itself to creating durable, affordable product with distinctive details, delivering the freedom to go anywhere—near or far, on roads or trails, on mountain ridges or snowy slopes, no matter what form your adventure takes.

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Curve Backpack | Ultimate Access 2.0 26″ Wheeled Duffel