Details: Forever 21 jacket || (g) Lucky Brand jeans || H&M sweater || (g) Style Edit sneakers || Neff beanie || Ray-Bans
Along with my 2015 life & style comes new additions to my wardrobe, as well as sorting through what shall be sold, donated & tossed. I’ve mentally (and physically) written a “wish list” of items that I would like to invest in, purchase when available, etc. For as long as I can remember, a blush faux fur coat and a new pair of sunnies have been re-written and constantly thought over. Although the wait time I purposely gave myself was rather extensive, I couldn’t be happier with the choices I’ve made. Like can these sunnies be any cooler!? I think it’s time to retire my old reliable gradient shades for a bit.
PS. I also just realized how boarder-babe this look appears… #IBlameTheSnow #FunnyBecauseISki #WishISnowboarded #DeprivedOfExperiences #TooManyHashtags. Shop similar below:
While we’re on the topic of new additions to lifestyle and if you didn’t catch my Instagram yesterday, I’m indeed moving to NYC this Friday. As happy as I am for no longer having to write/edit/publish these posts while commuting via mass transit after this week, every day after work will be more than exhausting trying to pack. But hey, it’ll be worth it.
(Linked up w/: Watch What I’m Wearing, Let It Shine, Mix It Mondays, Visible Monday, Mingle Monday, Modest Monday, Sophisticated Style, How I Winter, Style To Inspire, Inspire Me Monday, Motivational Monday)

This look is just gorgeous. I love that coat!!
Moving to NYC! I am so envious, and wish you all the good fun things! Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, your outfit looks fab.
Your coat looks so cozy!
Love this look!
Congrats on moving to New York! I would love to be there someday. I also love the look, you look cozy.
Love the whole look!