Details: F21 shorts | Zara tee – similar | gifted Prima Donna necklace | Converse kicks
Reason #1028 why I appreciate Urban Outfitters — they sell these kicks, duh. I’ve wanted high tops for a while and never committed until these all-leather pretties were displayed on the shoe shelf. It felt like destiny and without hesitation, I found myself at the register with a women’s size 7 pair in hand.
Now floral is a typical spring print I either indulge or shy away from, depending on my mood of the day. Statement necklaces are also not a casual daywear choice for me also. When my go-to colors are white, I figure go big & bold with the print and dabble in the bold metal department as well. Why not? It’s pretty memorable and I think I might take risks more often if this is the end result.

I LOVE these shorts, and now you have me wanting a pair of leather high tops. Urban Outfitters is my weakness.
Earth to Marina