Star System

GOR_0907GOR_0979GOR_1011GOR_0926GOR_0954GOR_1007Details: ASOS dress  (g) Ann Himsel blazer – similar  Paola Ferri bootssimilar

Recently I’ve been all about starry prints and making them work past the stereotype known as “Fourth of July attire.” When autumn colors, such as this burgundy beauty, act as the canvas for the print to really shine – pun semi intended – you really can feel comfortable wearing it in cooler settings. Pairing with open layers allow for the print to be seen while making the outfit seasonally appropriate and you feeling famously chic. Shop similar below:  

[Linked up w/: Watch What I’m Wearing, Let It Shine, Mix It Mondays, Mingle Monday, Modest Monday, How I Fall, Mahogany Closet Mondays, Inspire Me Monday, Motivational Monday, Hello Monday, Weekending]