Recapping the finale of our Three-Day Event of a Wedding Weekend – The Brunch!
We had such a wonderful time hosting our Farewell Brunch at this iconic spot in the city and made sure to tell our guests well in advance that they wanted to make plans to stay in NYC the night of the wedding just for this Saturday breakfast. And by treating it like an extension of the wedding, we ended up with almost a full turnout of attendees! Never have I ever seen a brunch THIS well attended the morning after a long & eventful night.
But I honestly think a lot of it was due to the time it started & ended, as well as what our guests got out of it along with ourselves as the couple. Although it’s not too hard to convince most to spend a weekend in the city, guaranteeing them a ‘free’ weekend brunch in the heart of Central Park didn’t hurt to also mention in our wedding invitation.
Before The Brunch Began
Around 10:15 am, Thomas and I met up with our NYC Photographer Asher Gardner to take some photos in Central Park before the Brunch started. It was so lovely being able to capture these moments together, especially during this pleasant Fall morning. We figured this was probably one of the only times we’d get this chance, let alone probably the last photos like these with one another we’ll be getting for a long time. Like, the next time will be a family shoot with kids aged older than 5… ok I’m probably exaggerating but it’ll be a long, long time from now.
Dress: Zimmermann & currently S/O, but found this eBay listing for size 4-6 | Booties: Marc Fisher | Coat: old ASOS, similar here
On Thomas: Custom Sport Jacket: My.Suit | Chinos: Oran Apparel | Loafers: Johnston & Murphy
Despite waking up feeling exhausted & puffy in the face, there was so much to look forward to on this particular Saturday morning after the wedding. Let me backtrack just a bit — we woke up at 9am, which might as well be considered ‘sleeping in’ the morning after a wedding. In most circumstances, the Farewell Brunch would be just about over, at least if hosted in a hotel ballroom where they close up shop promptly at 9:30/10am to accommodate other guests staying the weekend. Like I get it, but also not realistic of a concept for a wedding brunch IMO. Personally, I need to sleep off my hangover at least until 9am…
With all this in mind, and since I had everything to do with calling the shots this time around, I ensured we’d have our Farewell Brunch begin at a reasonable time in the morning, to allow for everyone to gather their bearings, nurse their hangovers, and make their leisurely way over to the venue. So we had it begin at 11am, at one of the most iconic locations in NYC I’ve always wanted to dine at but hadn’t had the chance until now…
The Loeb Boathouse, Lake Room
We rented out “The Lake Room” of The Loeb Boathouse to host our delicious farewell brunch from 11am to 2pm. It honestly blew all my expectations out of the water, having been to several brunches in NYC over the course of the years. As far as post-wedding events go, we didn’t anticipate having as big of a crowd show up to the brunch but we did make sure to emphasize that those staying the weekend should definitely not miss out. Well, let’s just say the message was received because practically EVERYBODY showed up! In fact, there was a moment where every chair at each of the 12 tables was occupied. I guess starting at a more reasonable hour gets you more of an attendance haha.

Recycled Centerpieces + Gondola Ride
The floral centerpieces from the wedding, designed by John Burn & The Sickles Market Floral Team, were intentionally designed to be transported easily for next day use at the Brunch. We had them placed in a room right after the wedding ended and had them delivered/set up at the Boathouse one hour before the brunch began. All of which was seamlessly performed thanks to the amazing work of Mario (33 London Taxi) who drove everything from New York Yacht Club to The Boathouse (and then back to NJ afterward) as well as our wedding day coordinator Tori (Day Of Company) who set everything up so beautifully on our behalf. Making sure the flowers were well preserved & transported was definitely one of the harder things we had to logistically map out, in terms of timing/parking-wise, so we’re extremely grateful to both Mario + Tori for assisting us in getting everything where it needed to be the following morning.
My parents rented the Boathouse Gondola for one hour, which Thomas and myself arrived to the Brunch in at the start of the event. Afterward, several of our guests got to take a cruise around the pond in the luxury boat as well. We definitely “arrived in style” via this route, but it was very special seeing all our friends on the back patio cheering & greeting us with champagne. Also, what a treat to not have to row your own boat in this infamous pond!
The Menu
Needless to say, no one left the Brunch hungry & I’m dreaming of the day I get the chance feast on this elaborate spread again. All of it was seriously SO GOOD. Here’s the Deluxe Brunch Banquet Menu we had, which included EVERYTHING (all hors d’oeuvres, entrees & dessert options) with the exception of the sections with a “choice of one” prompt. I’ve bolded our choices for those 3 selects in green – the corned beef was the guest favorite!
Our sincerest thanks & appreciation to Peter Bischoff, Loeb Boathouse Banquet Director, who helped us plan & execute an unforgettable Brunch experience for all. We couldn’t have asked for better, it was everything & more!
We’re so grateful to our friends & family who all helped make this wedding weekend an unforgettable one. My hope in sharing these posts is that any future bride/groom, who takes the time to read about our experience(s), will gather helpful inspiration & insight towards their own efforts in planning their wedding. It’s absolutely something that should be treasured, even the challenges faced leading up to it, for it truly sheds light on the things that matter to someone – whether it be personal or witnessed from another. I’ve always said/believed that weddings invite the notion of people showing their true colors and it’s absolutely true. Because even after the day comes & goes, what’s always remembered by everyone is the takeaway of their experience + how it made them feel. So if anything, keep this close to your heart throughout the process. And with each difficult decision, remind yourself of how you want to remember this moment in your life, as well as how you want it remembered by your friends & family closest to you. Ultimately, no one will care if you messed up your first dance or if the food wasn’t to their liking (can’t please everyone) but everyone will remember your behavior & attitude towards them. So that being said…
My 3 Biggest Takeaways For The Soon-To-Be Married:
DON’T be a bridezilla/groomzilla to your inner circle – be reasonable with your expectations & allow for honest communication, for those chosen to stand with you are people you intend on having in your life after the wedding
DON’T stress about the weather – you can’t do anything about it but rent the damn tent if the wedding is to be outside, and I strongly recommend biting the bullet & just do it for the sake of reassurance
and lastly..
DO NOT opt for a cash bar or make it a dry wedding – even if you’re on a budget or don’t drink, guests will ALWAYS consider this a stingy move & never fail to forget it
The Ceremony, Reception & After Party
3 Things Every Bride Should Do Leading Up To Wedding Day
Photos by Asher Gardner

Congratulations, Tilden and Thomas!!! I love what you’ve stated here at the end of your post about not stressing the weather. It rained on our wedding day, but actually the grey skies created THE BEST WEDDING PHOTOS because there were no shadows! Your after party was lovely…
Thank you for sharing at Share Your Style the past week and I am happy to say that I shared your story as the first featured post this week at SYS #330 for you. <3 Enjoy married life and know that it's not all sunshine and roses and you WILL have arguments, but remember the love you have for each other, the reasons why you fell in love with each other, and that every five years or so, your husband/wife WILL be a different person. We all change as we grow older and that love changes, too, from the romantic beginning love to more like being married to your best friend/brother. There have been many times I told Charles I was done with him and was ready to divorce, but he just chalked it up to I was overtired and just needed a good nap. 😉 35 years later, he is my rock and the one I want to come home to, to be real with, and to just watch movies and snuggle near everyday… And that's the secret to a happy life together, as your moms and dads will probably say, too. <3
Congratulations again and Happy Christmas and Happy New Year,
Barb Chapman