Details: (g) Boohoo playsuit & beach bag
With only one more month left of summer, everything in my closet that reminds me of the beach is making one last appearance before hibernation. The bittersweet part about this time of year is the excitement of all the SALES! Literally, everything is marked down like crazy right now and getting those summer essentials you’ve needed but didn’t get around to buying are more attractive than ever!
So besides the sale festivities happening all over in-store and online, let’s talk about what you would find in my beach bag this last month of summer. For starters, my coverup of choice will 100% be a playsuit like this one. It’s ultra comfy and simple to throw on while standing its ground on the sandy beach. Plus it makes it easy for friends to locate you when meeting up for an afternoon of sun in the midst of all the colorful umbrellas & beach gear.
I don’t leave the house without a large enough tote to carry all my essentials – including the staples: sunscreen (SPF 50+ for face and 30+ for body) and sunnies for eye protection. Using a makeup bag to carry sunscreen protects the accidental and very possible leakage problem we’ve all dealt with, and spares my summer reading material of magazines to remain dry and happy.

This is one of the prettiest playsuits that I have seen this summer!
I love that outfit! Very pretty.