Why Are We So Nordic?


Don’t get me wrong, I’ve clearly caved into the fall/winter trend myself, but why? What is so appealing about a damn deer on a sweater?

Here’s my elaborated opinion: Secretly, we all love the idea of dressing up for the holiday season but are so self-conscious about parading our decked-out selves in public, fearing the internal criticism of everyone else who (in reality) probably feel the same hesitation. Therefore, we see these prints as borderline ‘holiday-themed’ and feel more confident in our decisions to wear them.


I enjoy my fill of seasonal attire, and the idea of themed parties any day get me excited. So yes, I can see that as a reason for my Nordic indulgence. Besides, the ordinary deer I’m bashing resembles a reindeer, which clearly is as euphoric as a unicorn.

Definition: Nordic – term for the northwestern European countries of Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, Sweden), including Finland and Iceland. AKA COLD PLACES. Well, these sweaters have just proven their name and their worth through a dictionary.


The two ‘nords’ of mine are bought through Japanese clothing sites online, although now the red one is available in the US. The white one for sure is overseas, so choose your size carefully! The red one came in “One Size” which is clearly big enough to fit two of me and the white, well let’s say size M translates to XS.

Skip the international sites and shop some inspiration below from some more familiar places:

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