Caped Denim | Old Navy

IMG_2868IMG_2861IMG_2959IMG_2925IMG_2879IMG_2867IMG_2936Details: (g) Old Navy poncho  Missguided dress  Coach booties – similar

As the month continues to transition and calls for cooler weather, it’s likely you’ll be challenged to find an ideal outerwear piece that keeps you comfortable while resting lightly on your shoulders. Yesterday I talked about the beauty of bomber jackets but today’s piece highlights one of my favorites to incorporate into my fall wardrobe – the cape/poncho.

Different approach, true but it’s more than just an outerwear piece – a cape/poncho can complete an outfit as easily as throwing it over your shoulders. For example, this denim dress was bought as a summer staple but the addition of this checked poncho gives it an edgier vibe more appropriate for fall. Think of the poncho/cape as an option of outerwear that gives those summer pieces a fighting chance to be worn this season, while letting you appear a little less than ordinary from all those jacket-wearers, in all the right ways. Shop similar below:


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