Did you know I used to ride horses? And not just ride for fun, but more like competed on a National level that landed me a college scholarship for a NCAA Division I Equestrian Team? Well if you didn’t, now you know and this post of me on a four-legged animal doesn’t seem as random anymore.
Growing up in a barn, the importance of proper footwear couldn’t be stressed more. You wanted something strong and sturdy on your feet that would protect you from all types of weather and ground conditions – like dirt, mud, etc – as well as the occasional weight of a 17 hand horse when he accidentally steps on your foot. The latter happens more often than you’d think. Needless to say Blundstone has been a brand relied on and worn by horse people for as long as I can remember, but more recently has taken a street-style focus when worn on the busy feet of NYC’s residents.
Like a barn, New York is just as equally dirty and often rude when it comes to its conditions. So having the right shoe to get through a day in New York calls for a style that’s meant for hard work and can maintain stability despite the conditions faced. Blundstone’s design has developed over the years to be more adaptable when it comes to the “personal style” of someone but the focus behind its quality has always remained the same – they’re built to go anywhere, do anything and look great every step of the way.
On a personal note, my horse’s name is Nikko and he’s my former partner-in-crime. We’re both retired from showing these days but still find time to hangout on a more relaxed level – like shooting for blog posts rather than posing over jumps. Still, here’s a mini collage of us back in 2005 when we placed second overall at a National show, which we spent a year qualifying for. Today at 20 years old, he still looks as dapper as he did during his professional career. Shop similar below:
Blundstone boots ∙ Forever 21 romper ∙ L*Space lace trench
[Linked up w/: Friday Fab Favorites, Casual Friday, Casual Friday II, Passion 4 Fashion, Fashion Friday, Fashion Friday II, Fun Fashion, Grace & Love, Five on Friday, Oh Hey Friday, Flashback Friday, Friday Finds, Friday Favorites]

SO cool that you were a competitive horseback rider! These photos are beautiful, Love your look, and Nikko is so sweet!
Beautiful pictures! A beautiful horse and a beautiful girl too! Popping in from Friday favorites, hope you’ll do the same!
My legs cried for you when I noticed the lack of stirrups! Everyone’s least favorite riding lesson day! 😉 I somehow haven’t heard of Blundstone, I’ll have to check them out!
Your horse is gorgeous, btw! He looks a lot like the new eventer boarding at my barn – I must befriend his owner so I can “borrow” him!
Awesome horse – Congratulations on all your achiements.
Nikko is beautiful! Thanks for sharing the blundstone boots, it’s definitely nice to have a shoe that can stand up to the punishment of daily life.
It isn’t everyday one meets an ex-competitive equestrian 🙂 how lovely!! Nikko is BEAUTIFUL. What a magnificent animal.
Speaking of loveliness, my weekly Friday link-up is live and on the blog now, Tilden, and I would love for you to come and share this gorgeous maned beauty xoxo
You look great riding that beautiful horse. Love your outfit. You just need the knight in shining armor to come after you. Thank you for sharing
These photos are gorgeous
Such a cute romper! Perfect with the horse 🙂
Awesome photos