⇥ Shirt: GANT (use code Tilden20 for 20% off!) | Duster: Forever 21 (similar here & here) | Denim: Topshop | Sneakers: Coach | Bag: Chloe
In case you missed my Insta Stories last week, I found the perfect blue striped top that everyone (yes, men included – hint hint, Father’s Day gift idea) should have in their summer wardrobes! For the ladies, the wide cuff sleeve detail along with the ‘ex-boyfriend’ fit is what makes this particular shirt one to consider. It’s so unique from every other style I’ve seen so far!
GANT has quickly become my go-to for the classic button-down shirts that are the epitome of closet staples. From the fabric to the fit and quality, there’s truly nothing out there that satisfies everything I’m looking for when it comes to this style of top.
Ps, use my code Tilden20 to get this shirt or any other style from GANT for 20% off (applies for both Men’s & Women’s collections!)
Check out this shirt’s detail up close through my IG’s ‘NEW ARRIVALS’ highlights.

Love the outfit! Your shoes are to die for!
Thank you so much Nikki! They’re super comfortable too! xx
There’s a GANT by my job that I ADORE love them!
OMG you’re so lucky! I’m OBSESSED! xx
Very nice and cool outfit with super cute shoes!
Thanks babe!! xx
Such cute shoes! love the whole look
Thank you so much Marianna!! xx
I love your shirt and duster! So chic!!
xo Kayla
Thank you Kayla!! xx