Quick Tips For Perfecting Your Pinterest Game

Quick Tips For Perfecting Pinterest, Blog Tips, Tilden of To Be Bright

It’s no secret that Pinterest is one of the largest tools to use when driving traffic back to your website’s published content. Despite the world becoming a mobile-preferred community, users are still accessing Pinterest as a means to search for inspiration – from DIY projects, to home decor, to outfit ideas.

One of the best things you can do as an influencer is ensure your Pinterest account is as user-friendly as possible! Although many people prefer Instagram over viewing websites these days, Pinners on Pinterest ARE STILL clicking and viewing your website platform even from their mobile devices.

Why? Because every Pin on Pinterest needs to have a source (where the image came from/originates) and 90% of the time, the Pinner is clicking on that link and being redirected to the source that provided them with their chosen Pin of inspiration.

Here are some quick tips for perfecting your Pinterest game to garner more followers, re-pins, and ultimately more traffic!


You can join as a Business Account for free or convert an existing personal account into a Business one
  • Ability to access to analytics (can view each pin’s performance)
  • Receive updates on future products & services built for businesses (i.e. ability to Beta Test the new Hashtag feature)



Create specific boards for each category of content published to website & pinned
  • Select board category relevant to each board’s content pinned (i.e. Women’s Fashion)
  • Make sure all blog boards PUBLIC
  • Specific titles for each board (i.e. To Be Bright – Winter Outfits)
  • Optional: Create cover photos for each board using Ribbet (for aesthetic purposes)


Include specific descriptive words and hashtags that detail the featured image within the caption
  • Hashtag as per the details featured in the image being pinned (i.e. winter outfit, navy peacoat, distressed denim, #fashionblogger)
  • Increases pinned image’s circulation & targets specific Pinterest users with similar interests/pinning habits


Set up Article Rich Pins for posts pinned to boards/account
  • Allows for broader range of audience engagement
  • These types of pins are the ones that are viewed more often/frequently, ultimately driving the most traffic back to the image source (i.e. your website)


Install & activate jQuery Pin It Button for all images on website
  • Allows both publisher & readers to easily pin and re-pin featured images shared
  • Includes website link so Pinterest viewers can be led to original post (a huge tool for increasing monthly page views & overall website traffic)