The Superstitions I Believe In & Why

ASOS Kimono Sleeve Chain Print Romper, White Leather Mules, Fall Street Style, Tilden of To Be BrightASOS Kimono Sleeve Chain Print Romper, White Leather Mules, Fall Street Style, Tilden of To Be BrightASOS Kimono Sleeve Chain Print Romper, AURate X Earrings and Mini Gold Bar Earrings, Fall Street Style, Tilden of To Be BrightASOS Kimono Sleeve Chain Print Romper, White Leather Mules, Fall Street Style, Tilden of To Be BrightASOS Kimono Sleeve Chain Print Romper, White Leather Mules, Fall Street Style, Tilden of To Be BrightChloe Mini Faye Brown Wallet Bag, Tilden of To Be BrightASOS Kimono Sleeve Chain Print Romper, White Leather Mules, Chloe Mini Faye Bag, Fall Street Style, Tilden of To Be BrightASOS Kimono Sleeve Chain Print Romper, Fall Street Style, Tilden of To Be Bright

Who believes in superstitions? For as long as I can remember I’ve participated in a multitude of them, primarily because I found the habits effective in channelling anxiety/stress when I was a horseback rider & competing at a National level. This proved to help me find balance and optimism in a sport that is 50% mental, allowing me to relax and enjoy the ride (literally). I swear it helped me win Pony Finals in 2006, championing the over fences class in a field of 200+ ponies!

Although I don’t ride anymore, I still practice some of my less-crazy superstitions in my life today to deal with different types of anxiety and stress I’m facing outside the ring. Navigating life in NYC and working for myself full-time is no cake walk, so having any sort of release that also jumpstarts my positivity has been very beneficial to my mental health. Plus, it allows me to remain hopeful and believe in the power that good things come to those who wait, which is something we can all learn to appreciate and have a little faith in more.

11:11 – MAKE A WISH

When the clock strikes 11:11 am/pm and I’m paying attention to notice, I make a silent wish to myself, kiss both my palms, and then raise them up in the air until the clock turns 11:12 – keep in mind, I only do this in the privacy of my apartment LOL. If I’m in public, I’ll just remain silent during that minute until it turns to 11:12. I know it’s strange but I’ve had three HUGE wishes come true shortly after doing this in the past, so I like to believe in the power of its ritual.


Every time I see a heads up penny, I pick it up and carry it with me all day long. I’ve been doing this since I was a child and find it helps me to remain optimistic, especially if I’ve had a rough start to the day at hand. Another thing I do is flip over a tails penny so that it’s heads up and leave it where it lies. Reason for this is that I believe it will provide someone else with good luck and double my chances of having a good day as a result of good karma.


Along with superstitions, I whole-heartedly believe in the power of the stars (zodiacs). During my lifetime, I’ve found intense moments within my personal life occur the night before or the night of a full moon; my professional life is most affected when Mercury is in retrograde. So to prepare myself for any disturbances, I make sure to chart the moon and the three times a year Mercury is in retrograde, marking the times in my calendar so I can avoid scheduling detrimental events.

On the days of a full moon, I try to stay away from any sort of event that has the potential to go haywire – i.e. dinners, dates, trips, etc. For example, my birthday landed on a full moon this year and let’s just say the evening went from great to completely terrible thanks to a selfish boy I’m no longer seeing as a result.

In the same respect, I try not to make any important decisions while Mercury is in Retrograde. The reason for that is because Mercury supposedly influences all forms of communication. Opportunities have more of a potential to be misunderstood and result as a failure during this time so it’s best to avoid anything at risk all together – i.e. agreements, job acceptances, closing sales, new projects, installations, repairs, and major purchases.


Romper: ASOS | Mules: similar herehere | Bag: Chloe | X Earrings: AURate | Mini Bar Earrings: AURate