Viewing posts in: Pregnancy + Motherhood

How To Best Support a New (and/or) Overwhelmed Parent

I know how difficult it can be to navigate this time as a supportive friend or family member; especially if the person who’s recently had a baby is the first one in your social circle. To be honest, I thought I had an impression of what to expect in terms of surface-level childcare, given how often I babysat infants growing up, and personal postpartum care based my recent research whilst pregnant. Reality: You truly have no idea of the magnitude until you’re living it personally…

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How To Wear Biker Shorts 2.0 (Postpartum Edition)

Understanding how much a go-to my workout leggings & now biker shorts have become for me in this postpartum era, implementing them into versions of sporty-casual attire has been my recent project. Of course, this means I’m reaching for something that fits more on the oversized above the waist more often than not…

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Twin Essentials For Newborns + Infants

As a pregnant twin mama, one of the biggest challenges I faced when making my baby registry was not knowing exactly what I needed & how much of it. Although I knew some people with twins who gave me suggestions on certain things, the endless gear & gadgets for babies out there now are ever-changing. It was difficult to determine if I’d be okay with just having 1 of X thing or if I should double up on XYZ…

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The Fourth Trimester Recap

We are officially out of the newborn fog! And I’m truly enjoying every single moment of Motherhood at this moment. As I shared in this post recapping the first 4 weeks with twin newborns, it was quite the adjustment… But funny enough, I’m shocked to have found it not *as awful* as most everyone around me were projecting & warning me of it being, especially while I was pregnant…

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