Domino Effect

GOR_1316GOR_1309GOR_1340GOR_1328GOR_1339Details: (G) Choies pants – similar | Topshop sweater | Forever 21 vest

I’m gonna be 100% honest with you guys – this look was a quick switch-up from an outfit worn for a secret Fashion Week collab. Eeeep I can’t tell you guys what it is yet but I PROMISE to reveal the news as soon as I can! In the meantime, let’s focus on the reliability of black and white.

Considering this outfit wasn’t planned entirely, I can’t help but be satisfied with it. The two colors just work well practically every time they get paired up. That being said, it’s definitely more fun to throw a pattern into the mix if you can help it – just to give that extra bit of visual interest. Shop similar below:


(Linked up w/: Look What I Got, Be.You.Tiful, What I Wore To Work, Spotlight Weekly, Treat Yo’Self Thursday, Thursday Favorites, Throwback Thursday, What Wives Wear, WIWT, Thursday Favorite Things, Labour of Fashion)