Sports Bra: Vie Active | 7/8 Legging: Vie Active | Perforated Jacket: Reebok | Hat: Endeavor | Sneakers: Nike
Now that we’re officially in the Spring season, I’ve geared myself up to spring back into shape, literally. I’d be lying if I said I’ve been consistent with my workout routine recently – it’s been quite the opposite, in all honesty.
After injuring my calf during a HIIT class (blame equally divided between my lack of stretching prior to & my existing compartment syndrome), I had to take 2 weeks off before resuming ANY sort of workout. This period of time off really messed with my existing routine & somewhat with my wellness – I felt lethargic & not myself whatsoever.
I’m glad to be returning to my regularly scheduled programming, but will have to gradually build strength back to where I left off. Luckily, the routine I’m setting for myself is the perfect approach for any of you just getting started with a workout schedule as well!
Bikini Body Guide 2.0
3x / week
I’ve done BBG before & completed Kayla’s first 12-week program. So I’m pumped to get started with BBG 2.0. I love her workouts because they’re only 30 minutes, work your entire body, & can be challenging to get through. Afterward, you feel like a million bucks & the results speak for themselves! The best part is that every workout can be done from home, in case you don’t have the ability to get to a gym.
Outdoor 2-3 Mile Run
1x / week
Once a week, I’m going to get myself outside on a 2 to 3 mile run. I’m more of a sprinter personality when it comes to running, so there’s no desire for me to “go the distance” with more miles. I’d rather get myself comfortable running 2-3 miles without losing the enthusiasm. And unlike a treadmill, running outside will be more of a challenge because my speed and tempo will constantly be changing with the elevating terrain.
Here are some of the songs that I’ve been listening to on repeat that really amp me up for a good workout:
Reward Yourself With Tangible Things
Whenever I get myself up early to workout, I reward myself with an actual thing (i.e. beer, pizza slice, etc.) This helps get my brain into associating that good things follow when I choose to workout. Overtime, my body will start to override the desire to eat poorly and the rewards I set for myself change willingly. But providing myself with a reward that makes me happy ensures me that I won’t have to cut anything cold turkey right away; & therefore, cause me to lose desire to continue my workout routine if done so abruptly.
Sign Up For Classes In Advance
Practice signing up for workout classes a few days in advance that honor a cancellation fee. This will allow you to schedule out a dedicated workout time which you can plan the rest of your days around. You’ll also feel less inclined to cancel or not show if you’ll be charged for it.
Get A Workout Buddy
Recruiting a friend to workout with helps to hold yourself accountable for showing up. It helps to find someone who will give you “grief” if you try to get out of working out without genuine excuses – personally, the friends I was afraid to disappoint were the ones that helped me stick to a routine the most!
You’ll Be Thanking Yourself Later
Yes, it’s hard now and it’ll suck for the first 2 weeks guaranteed, but it’ll be so worth it in the end. You’ll be so thrilled when you start to find yourself feeling much better as a result of endorphins. That good feeling will soon turn into a habit because you’ll crave what a workout will do for you internally. And when you see the physical results in the mirror, you’re all the more motivated to keep it going. Consider a workout routine as the domino effect of personal triumphs that lead to both internal & external happiness; one must be completed before the other.

Great tips and so true – motivating yourself is a half workout done! BTW I love your leggings! xoxo
Thank you Katya!! xx
You look amazing! I love the tips and your workout gear!
Thank you Ruth!! xx
Love your workout outfit and that workout sounds amazing!
Thank you so much Michelle! xx