
IMG_6590IMG_6747IMG_6627IMG_6636IMG_6704IMG_6664Details: Forever 21 jacket & shirt ∙ AG jeans ∙ H&M leather sneaks

If you weren’t able to figure out the complexity of my shirt, it does in fact spell, “Stockholm.” Seeing that I am 1/8th Swedish decent, I found this shirt appropriate for my ignorant way of thinking. But if I’m being truly honest with you guys (which I strive to be 100% of the time), I ultimately bought it because it’s so damn comfortable and didn’t say, “Love is the answer..” or some overdone printed quote cliché. Anyone else think those shirts are a complete waste of fabric?

Anyway, happy Thursday & please enjoy my first pastel ensemble of the year. Believe me, wearing this color combo made the entire outside world feel (and smell) like spring. Ahhh so excited for winter to be officially DONEZO – yes, I know I’ve mentioned it all week long. Shop similar below:

[Linked up w/: Look What I Got,  What I Wore To Work, Spotlight Weekly, Throwback Thursday, Thursday Fashion Files, WIWT, Thursday Favorite Things, Weekly Wrap Up, Labour of Fashion]