The Importance of Thank You Cards

At a very young age, I was told by my grandmother(s) that it was in poor taste to not write personal thank you’s for the gifts I received. It was expected and forgetting to write them would lead to disappointment and somewhat of a shameful-feeling the next family gathering. So naturally from age 6 to now 26, writing thank you cards has become a habit instilled in my DNA.

As the eldest on all platforms, I felt an obligation to set a good example for my younger sisters & cousins. Now that I’m older, I couldn’t agree more with my grandmother(s) about how important the act of writing thank you’s are – especially now given the digital age we live in.

Today, taking the time to sit down and physically write a letter, a note, a message, or anything involving pen to paper is meaningful. Through our personal handwriting, we can show someone that they are loved and cared for. Writing to others is unique in a sense that no one’s penmanship is the same, so a handwritten card is as special as it can get. This is definitely a habit I intend to pass along to my children, in my efforts to turn this lost art into something substantial once again.

Given that I handwrite thank you’s often, I always have a stack of hard stock stationary and my nicest pen nearby at all times. Along with beautiful paper, having a nice pen to write with is just as important. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing your words in even strokes, not bleeding ink or smearing on the card (hate that!)

I’m also someone who NEEDS good pens, as I write out daily To Do’s and lists beyond countable. That’s why I always reach for my Lamy Lx Pen when it comes to getting my thoughts, ideas, and messages on paper. Just like my handwriting, this pen has a ton of personality and gets me excited to write! Plus, I’ll totally know if anyone steals it because chances of someone else having a rosegold pen is slim to none.

Lamy just opened its New York store in SoHo! Be sure to stop by and check out just how awesome these pens are for yourself.