Where Healthy Food Options Are Hiding On Campus
Unfortunately, there is a limited amount of healthy options in Russell House for students trying to avoid the infamous “Freshman 15.” For those of you that find it difficult to choose something appetizing that isn’t coated in grease or butter on campus, here are some suggestions:
On the main floor, the salad bar and sushi cases for leafy lovers can satisfy a vegetarian craving. If you would rather go with something a little more filling, the Horseshoe Deli offers plenty of sandwich options that you can custom order to fit your appetite. If a fruity option is what you’re searching for, Freshens offers several smoothies that include boosters of your choice, ranging from Focus to Energy.
Although the upstairs can appear to be a fast food paradise, there are healthy options hiding amongst the fluorescent Burger King and Chick-Fil-A signs. Santorini’s gives students the cultural option of Greek salads and entrees, including grilled chicken wraps, pita chips with hummus and steamed vegetables. Over at Einstein Bagels, flat bread and lower calorie sandwiches can also prove to be satisfying meals.
If you happen to live off campus, enjoy cooking and have access to a kitchen with an oven or stove, I recommend you check out this site for simple, quick dishes and this link for the more advanced chef. Sally Kerr-Dineen, a culinary artist and mother of two college students, created these sites for beginners and more advanced cuisiniers. Her inspiration stemmed from wanting to teach her children simple recipes so they would not go off to school and be left to survive on fast food. These recipes are sure to spice up your kitchen and your palate, and may even have you expanding your culinary talent.