Winter 2012 Issue: Published Superlatives Article November 14, 2012


Portraits: Superlatives

Bryant Kirk White
MOST LIKELY TO RUN THE NEXT UNIVERSAL PICTURESWhile studying abroad in Jonkoping, Sweden, fourth-year marketing and management major, Bryant White, learned more than just a few foreign words. “I constantly asked myself – ‘What am I here for?’” and decided that, “there must be more to life, more that I can be doing.” Realizing that there is a significant purpose for everyone, Bryant’s journey led him to found A. Bevy. Productions in September 2009. A. Bevy. Productions is a non-profit organization founded upon three pillars; change, progress and growth. The company adheres to a philosophy of positive change, working to influence others and help them to fulfill their life purpose while creating a lasting legacy at USC.Entering college as a freshman, Bryant claims, “Life had somewhat come to a halt for me. I realized that the world was much bigger than I grew up to think.” This realization, he credits as the motivation behind his desire to give back through A. Bevy Productions. White describes the beginnings as slow, yet effective, enabling him to focus his efforts on one venture at a time and achieve successful results. A. Bevy’s first project was awarding a scholarship to a USC student, made possible through the sponsorship of USC’s National Pan Hellenic Council (NPHC).During his last semester at USC, Bryant plans to focus on establishing A. Bevy. Productions as a strong presence on campus. A. Bevy. is now an official USC student organization with a full executive board, membership, and calendar of events. This fall, their biggest event is the annual MOVell Film Festival and are planning an ‘Impress. Your. Self Scholarship Mixer,’ for the spring.After graduation, Bryant plans to attend graduate school to earn a MFA (Master of Fine Arts) in sound design and music technology, and pursue his dream of working in television and film post-production. Ultimately, he desires to form his own production conglomerate, composed of the memorable people he has encountered along the way. He has lofty goals; hoping the company will rival major studios such as Universal Pictures.

His advice to aspiring entrepreneurs: “Think for yourself, not through others – and whatever you do in life, be sure that you are doing it for the right reasons… the right purpose.”

For additional info on A.Bevy, check
out or www.abevyminds,

Ashley Nicole Davis & Madeline ‘Maddie’ McDowell

Fourth-year advertising majors, Ashley Davis and Maddie McDowell, credit their decisions to attend an out-of-state university with fostering the personal growth that indirectly, led to their selection as two of only thirteen students chosen for the American Advertising Federation Initiative Future Board.

The American Advertising Federation Initiative Future Board, a creative think tank, works to cultivate upcoming talent in the marketing and advertising industry. Composed of students nationwide, members receive hands-on experience in marketing communications and work alongside industry executives. They will be working alongside a team of two other students and five Initiative agency executives on the campaign account for the fast-food chain, Arby’s.

The girls credit USC and their professor, Bonnie Drewiany, who nominated them, for helping them get their foot in the door of a highly competitive industry. “USC has afforded me countless opportunities for success,” says McDowell. As a U101 Peer Leader, in her last year at Carolina, she hopes to take the opportunity to give back. “It is my goal to help facilitate the transition from high school to college for my 18 students. It is my hope that they will grow to love Carolina as much as I do.” Upon graduation, she plans to enter the workforce as a copywriter in an advertising agency upon graduation.

As for Davis, she plans to embark on a career in Account Services at an advertising agency. She says her experiences at Carolina, “…have helped me become a better leader in so many facets of the Carolina community and beyond. I’ve been able to realize my potential. Most importantly, I know the person I want to be and the impact I hope to have on others, no matter what my surroundings may be.”

When facing the new challenges as a part of the Futures Board, the girls plan to jump into their work head first, sticking to their mottos of, “Don’t hesitate” and “Say yes.”

Johnny McClurkin & Adam Roper

When third-year retail management majors Johnny McClurkin and Adam Roper founded the t-shirt company, Forever Determined, they wanted their brand to have a meaning that set them apart from the rest. Influenced by the culture of action sports, they decided on a name that indicated the ideology to never give up on your dreams.
Roper says, “Our clothing brand boasts something that no other brand does: the idea that being forever determined will ultimately lead to success.”
The company consists of four members: Dan Frey (main owner/founder), McClurkin & Roper (co-owners) and Jesse Rice (promotions). McClurken and Roper initially teamed up with Frey during their freshman year while attending USC Upstate. McClurkin claims it was his passion for creativity and drawing that motivated his decision to head all media and design projects for the company. As for Roper, natural financial savviness led him to his current position of managing the money. Each individual group member sticks to working on ‘what they know best,’ which, they credit as one of the reasons for their success.
Forever Determined merchandise boasts a west coast vibe, similar to what one would find at PacSun, and attracts clients interested in board or action sports. According to McClurkin, FD’s greatest accomplishments thus far include being feature designers in Fashion Board’s Student Designer Competition, as well as completing their website and online store. Both of these helped the company introduce their products to the greater public.
As for the future, McClurkin and Roper plan to compete in the Student Designer Competition again in the spring and will continue to promote their brand to the USC community and beyond. After graduation, both intend to make a full career out of their work with Forever Determined and hope to build it to a level that attracts endorsements from famous athletes and celebrities.
On advice for aspiring entrepreneurs, Roper says, “Stick with what you know. If you dream of something, that idea may be something that others relate to, so why not take a chance?”

Check out their Facebook page: Forever Determined