Viewing posts in: Lifestyle

My Postpartum Hair Care Essentials

I’m about 10 months postpartum & I’ll say upfront that I’ve had it pretty good when it comes to hair thinning. Yes, there are a few patches where it’s noticeable around my face frame and it definitely falls out easier than pre-pregnancy. Here are the products I’ve been using in rotation since January.

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Bookshelf Styling With Plants

This one corner of the living room has been perfectly furnished by this 6-shelf asymmetrical bookshelf system, one of my most favorite Amazon purchases this year. It’s been so much fun decorating each of the spaces to accommodate our plants, as well as display our collection of coffee table books and knick-knacks from over the years…

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How To Best Support a New (and/or) Overwhelmed Parent

I know how difficult it can be to navigate this time as a supportive friend or family member; especially if the person who’s recently had a baby is the first one in your social circle. To be honest, I thought I had an impression of what to expect in terms of surface-level childcare, given how often I babysat infants growing up, and personal postpartum care based my recent research whilst pregnant. Reality: You truly have no idea of the magnitude until you’re living it personally…

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